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Solving small business design and social media problems


Mailers . SEO & Digital . Social Media


Many people believe that mailers are a way of the past, but a mailer isn’t just snail mail. A mailer can also be an email campaign. From postcards to email campaigns, staying in touch with your customers is important. A customer who has worked with you once is more likely to work with you again than to find someone else. Creating a frequent flow of communication with customers can help them know that you are working to satisfy their needs. Keep them informed on what you are working on and the direction of your company. Letting them know when you have a new product out or a unique opportunity for them is just a small portion of what you can be doing to create a better flow of communication between you and your customers.


Postcards . Flyers . Email Campaigns .

 SEO & Digital

Keyword Research . Optimizing Searches . Keyword Grouping . Traffic Tracking .

You have great products and great ideas that we want to help be found. Through our keyword planning strategies we group them into categories so they optimize how you are found. What is popular changes all the time so we try to help you put processes into place that help you look at what keywords you might be missing out on. We help you adapt to the ever changing world of website SEO and keyword tracking to create the most effective traffic to your website.

SEO Keywords.jpg

 Social Media

Post Planning . Graphic Creation . Infographic Design . Platform Optimization . Audience Building .

Social media is unique to you and is a way to tell your story. Often what works for one company might not work for another. By understanding who your customers are we can better focus the content that we produce to fit your needs. Depending on what stage you are at in this process we will create a plan that is effective at growing your audience, increasing engagement or promoting sales. We want to help you set up a social media plan that fits with your needs and growth plan. Anything from our do it yourself content templates to designing all posts for you we can tailor a plan that helps your company grow.